Saturday, February 21, 2009

Forsaken Legacy...or Just Forsaken?

The sins of the fathers become the crucifix of the sons...

How many die in vain?

I saw my father in a friend of mine today...

I saw who my Dad was at my age, the way he thought, the way he felt... all I had to do was mentally envision my face to my friend and there he was... Dad looking back at me.

I've watched my dad cry himself to sleep because of the choices he's made... all the things he could have done and didn't... should have done but wouldn't... did but shouldn't have.

I saw in my friend the moment my Dad wanted to take it all back...

My friend lacks this wisdom...

I can do nothing but hope...

Hope lives...

Monday, February 16, 2009

Mirrors No Longer Have Purpose

I'm so tired of looking in the mirror and seeing dead eyes look back at me. I'm starting to split in two about what I want to become. Half of me wants to change the world through love, and the other half wants to see the world burn. I'm currently standing at a crossroads and can't walk both roads anymore... I have to choose. I either have to remove my mask or become it, and both of those ideas terrify me. To take off my mask I would have to both cleanse my soul and leave my shame with God... and i have issues with not picking it back up again. the concept of it not being on my shoulders anymore doesn't really click with me... and I'm not sure how to do it. Is it a metaphor that i have to forgive myself? Becoming my mask would mean i would throw my life away and become anger and hate... those are the things I hide away. I hate Johnny and people like him for what he did to my sister, and I'm mad at the world for allowing him to live...

This is what i mean by hiding behind masks... I preach forgiveness but inside I want Johnny to suffer for what he did. I want him to hurt and I want him to die and I want to be the one to carry it out. That is my mask... I hate the world for hosting a legion of Johnny's but I want to hope so bad that it doesn't have to be that way... That through love no one else has to go through what me and my family went through. But the pessimist in me isn't sure it can happen...

I just don't know anymore...

But I'm pretty sure i took off my mask... if only for a moment...

Maybe there's hope yet...

Sunday, February 15, 2009

I love masks...which is why i hate my own...

I'm not sure how to start this... the beginning is usually the hardest part... but for the sake of formality i think I'll start with a hello. Hello to all of my fellow mask enthusiasts out there reading this. If you aren't a fan of masks, then truth be told we have something in common. Part of me enjoys the concept of masks... it allows you a certain freedom from your identity... you become a fake person to allow the real you to bubble to the surface. The flip side to this is that everyone wears a mask to cover the shame of who you are from the world around you. You become a fake person to keep the real you from bubbling to the surface. No matter what we do we wear a mask because the thought of being imperfect terrifies us. That's why i love the masks that covers your face... but i hate the mask that covers my soul. The physical mask cancels out the emotional mask to the extent that the shame for my actions isn't associated with me... just the mask. The feeling of shame stays with me no matter what i do though...

I think that's enough for one post... I'll talk about my own mask later...

feel free to talk about yours...

feel even freer to take it off...