Sunday, February 15, 2009

I love masks...which is why i hate my own...

I'm not sure how to start this... the beginning is usually the hardest part... but for the sake of formality i think I'll start with a hello. Hello to all of my fellow mask enthusiasts out there reading this. If you aren't a fan of masks, then truth be told we have something in common. Part of me enjoys the concept of masks... it allows you a certain freedom from your identity... you become a fake person to allow the real you to bubble to the surface. The flip side to this is that everyone wears a mask to cover the shame of who you are from the world around you. You become a fake person to keep the real you from bubbling to the surface. No matter what we do we wear a mask because the thought of being imperfect terrifies us. That's why i love the masks that covers your face... but i hate the mask that covers my soul. The physical mask cancels out the emotional mask to the extent that the shame for my actions isn't associated with me... just the mask. The feeling of shame stays with me no matter what i do though...

I think that's enough for one post... I'll talk about my own mask later...

feel free to talk about yours...

feel even freer to take it off...


  1. If we all hide who we are, then deep down we are all fearful...
    so really is it that we never really truly define ourselves until we take off the mask, that our identity is the mask until otherwise acted upon?

  2. That pretty much sums it up. the only problem is wearing the mask gives us a peace of mind. it's so easy to just never take it off because we would have to drag out our inner demons from the darkness and cast them out into light for all to see... where they can't grow and feed on the dark recesses of your soul any longer. we would be truly vulnerable... no more defenses and no assurance that we would have anything to go to afterward except for God but that's a huge leap of faith which doesn't make it all that appealing to the people that really need to come to terms with who they are.
